Home Menu经验丰富的资源
卡森城 | 车主 | Dayton | Reno
This page serves as a veteran resource guide, connecting 退伍军人 to services available in 卡森城, 车主, 代顿和里诺. For questions, comments or changes call: 弗兰克·雷诺兹 at (775) 885-6776. Share this page with someone in need, kerstanwallace.com/退伍军人.
卡森城, Minden and Dayton |
Mon-Wed-Fri rides VA Hospital Reno |
(775) 887-3679 |
Nevada Rural Counties (RSVP) |
(775) 687-4680 x119 |
江淮协助 |
TRANSPORTATION for elderly over 60 around 卡森城 |
(775) 841-7433 |
Adopt a Vet Dental Program |
www.adoptavetdental.com |
(775) 470-8707 |
Nevada Health Foundation |
(775) 887-1590 |
Aging & 残疾人服务 |
(775) 687-4210 |
卡森市卫生院 & 人类服务 |
玛丽·简·奥斯特兰德 |
(775) 887-2110 |
Suicide Prevention Training (ASIST) |
suicideprevention.nv.gov /培训 |
988 |
Office of Suicide Prevention |
988 |
车主/ Minden
退伍军人事务部门诊 |
(775) 786-7200 |
创伤后应激障碍支援小组 |
(775) 782-5265 |
Suicide Prevention Network |
988 |
988 |
W.A.V.E. 车主 |
(775) 782-5500 |
退伍军人福利办事处 |
(800) myVA411 |
退伍军人医院 |
(775) 786-7200 |
退伍军人宾馆 |
(775) 324-6958 |
Care Chest of Sierra Medical Equipment |
(775) 829-2273 |
护理协调员 |
(775) 326-2920 |
More To Life Adult Day Care |
电子邮件:jeffdold@gmail.com |
(775) 358-1988 |
首都圈 |
2621 Northgate Lane Ste 10 |
(775) 883-6506 |
十大电子游戏平台和教育 |
Rural Center for Independent Living |
http://ruralcil.wordpress.com/about/ |
(775) 841-2580 |
Western Nevada College 退伍军人 |
(775) 445-4276 |
Nevada Department of 十大电子游戏平台, Education and Training |
http://nvdetr.org/ |
(775) 486-0350 |
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs |
(775) 384-5849 |
采用NV |
(775) 684-0350 |
Work for Warriors Nevada |
http://www.workforwarriorsnv.org/ |
(775) 384-5848 |
军人协会治愈 |
电子邮件:vetheal@amvets.org |
(833) 838-4325 |
(775) 418-5010 |
理查兹穿越 |
3695 Desatoya Drive卡森市 |
(775) 841-2580 |
St. 文森特·德保罗协会 |
3000 N. Loompa Lane卡森市 |
(775) 882-1968 |
138 E. Long St.卡森市 |
(775) 882-3474 |
罗恩伍兹中心 |
2621 Northgate卡森市 |
(775) 884-2269 |
退伍军人 Resource Center |
106 E. 亚当斯圣. 卡森市203号 |
(775) 283-4838 |
桥(5-6便士.m.) |
斯图尔特和2号路口的拐角处nd St. |
(775) 461-0463 |
F.I.S.H. |
138 E. Long St. 卡森城 |
(775) 830-3474 |
Vets Legal Asst – Heather Cooney |
(775) 684-1100 |
Lora Myles, Care Law, RSVP |
(775) 687-4680 |
退伍军人 Resource Center |
nationsfinest.org |
(833) 468-9676 |
Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention |
(775) 684-8048 |
内华达部门. 退伍军人服务处 |
(775) 688-1653 |
NV Care Connection Center |
http://www.nevadaadrc.com/ |
(877) 861-1983 |
退伍军人康复营 |
(775) 781-2394 |
退伍军人 Disability Help |
(775) 688-1653 |
(775)687-4680 |
Northern Nv Center for Independent Living |
(775) 353-3599 |
退伍军人福利办事处 |
(775) 688-1653 |
弗吉尼亚州的护理人员 |
(855) 260-3274 |
Marine Corps/Navy Relief |
(760) 932-1429 |
美国退伍军人协会第四邮局 |
(775) 885-0652 |
美国退伍军人协会 |
(925) 301-6704 |
海军联盟 |
(703) 312-2880 |
舰队储备 |
(775) 847-0147 |
Disabled American 退伍军人 # 7 |
(775) 321-4895 |
海军陆战队联盟 |
(775) 671-7692 |
VFW Post 3726 |
Vietnam 退伍军人 of America #388 |
(775) 291-6203 |
卡森城 Veteran Community Council |
弗兰克·雷诺兹 |
(775) 671-4006 |