- please choose the appropriate 卡森城 office to which you need to make a payment, and double-click the link for that 卡森城 office
- follow the prompts or choose the appropriate drop boxes provided, and enter the information requested (such as a case number, 引用数量, 或帐号)
- select from the payment methods provided, and enter the payment information required
Please know that the payment vendors used by 卡森城 charge convenience fees that range between 2.25%和2.45% for credit cards and $.每张电子支票35英镑. Please be sure to double-check that the payment information that you have entered is correct, such as the correct credit card number, card verification number (CVV), 或者截止日期, 对于电子支票, verify that you have entered the correct bank, 银行路由号码, and checking account number.
Although your transaction will list the date that you make your payment, payments can take up to three (3) business days to process and show on your bank or credit card statement. Once you have completed your payment transaction, please be sure to confirm the payment with a printable receipt or email.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the 卡森城 财务主管’s Office at 775-887-2092 or treasurer@kerstanwallace.com.